There were no correlations with primary somatomotor cortex within

There were no correlations with primary somatomotor cortex within the central sulcus or the somatomotor cortical region around the medial extension of the central sulcus, i.e. paracentral lobule BA 4. There were also no significant correlations with the superior parietal lobule, the posterior cingulate, precuneus and ventromedial prefrontal regions. The ROI in BA 45 exhibited a pattern of positive correlations similar to that of BA 44 (Fig. 1). BA 45 exhibited significant correlations with BAs 44 and 47/12 in the inferior frontal gyrus, as well as with

the posterior dorsolateral frontal region (BA 8) and dorsal BA 6. In the parietal cortex, there were positive correlations with the ventral part AZD6244 cell line of the posterior supramarginal gyrus and the angular gyrus. In the temporal lobe, there were strong positive correlations with the caudal superior temporal gyrus, the entire superior temporal sulcus and middle temporal gyrus. Medially, BA 45 exhibited positive correlations with the pre-supplementary motor area, the paracingulate region (BA 32) and the medial frontal region (BAs 8, 9 and 10). In addition, there were robust correlations with the ventromedial frontal region. There were

no correlations with primary somatomotor cortex within the central sulcus or the somatomotor cortical region around the medial extension of the central sulcus, i.e. paracentral lobule BA 4. There were also no significant correlations with the superior parietal lobule, the posterior cingulate region or precuneus. The ventral BA 6 ROI, located in the ventral part of the precentral gyrus, Phosphoglycerate kinase close to the inferior precentral sulcus, was positively correlated with BAs 44 and dorsal 45, as well as a region of the middle frontal gyrus that lies just above the pars triangularis, and which was termed area 9/46v by Petrides & Pandya (1994). Significant positive correlations were also observed between BA 6 and the adjacent motor and somatosensory cortex within the central sulcus, as well as the medial extension of the somatomotor

region on the paracentral lobule. There were also positive correlations with the secondary somatosensory region in the frontal and parietal opercula and the insula. Correlations extended to the superior temporal gyrus and the posterior-most part of the middle temporal gyrus. Within the posterior parietal cortex, positive correlations were primarily restricted to the anterior part of the supramarginal gyrus. On the medial surface of the brain, the seed in BA 6 was correlated with the supplementary motor region (medial BA 6) as well as the ventrally adjacent cortex within the cingulate sulcus and gyrus that correspond to the cingulate motor areas discovered in the macaque monkey (He et al., 1995). Notably, the BA 6 seed did not exhibit any correlations with the medial frontal cortex (i.e. BAs 8, 9 and 10) or the ventromedial prefrontal cortex. There were also no positive correlations with the posterior cingulate cortex or precuneus (Fig. 1).

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