001) Mean differences between daily fluid intake and daily urine

001). Mean differences between daily fluid intake and daily urine volume were 601 mL in the placebo group, 1190 mL

in the 7.5-mg group, 1245 mL in the 15-mg group and 1494 mL in the 30-mg group. Time-courses of plasma tolvaptan concentrations are shown in Figure 6. Plasma tolvaptan concentration at 2–4 h post-dose on day 7 was 55 ng/mL (SD, 44) in the 7.5-mg group, 164 ng/mL (SD, 137) in the PD0325901 datasheet 15-mg group and 300 ng/mL (SD, 226) in the 30-mg group. Adverse events that occurred at an incidence of at least 5% are shown in Table 2. The most commonly reported adverse event was thirst in all tolvaptan groups, showing a dose-dependent increase. Thirst was also observed in one patient in the placebo group. Other adverse events that occurred frequently in the tolvaptan groups were pollakiuria, insomnia, and increased blood uric acid, blood urea and blood alkaline phosphatase. Serious adverse events were observed as follows: anemia, abdominal distension, chronic hepatitis, hepatic failure, hepatitis B, dyspnea and hepatorenal syndrome in the placebo group; renal impairment and hemorrhagic shock in the 15-mg group; and gastrointestinal hemorrhage, hepatic failure CX-4945 and hepatic encephalopathy in the 30-mg group. Changes in creatinine from baseline at the final dosing day were −0.001 mg/dL in the placebo group, 0.041 mg/dL in the 7.5-mg group,

0.057 mg/dL in the 15-mg group and 0.072 mg/dL in the 30-mg group. IN THE PRESENT trial, tolvaptan at daily doses of MCE公司 7.5, 15 and 30 mg demonstrated notable pharmacological effect including improvement of hepatic edema in liver cirrhosis patients in comparison with placebo. Tolvaptan

at 7.5 mg/day showed the maximum change in bodyweight and abdominal circumference. Preferable tolerability was shown at 7.5 mg of tolvaptan. Therefore, tolvaptan at 7.5 mg/day was considered the optimal dose in the treatment of hepatic edema. The present trial was conducted to determine the optimal dose of tolvaptan based on the results of our previous trial.[16] In that previous trial, the targeted pharmacological action as reduction in bodyweight was confirmed at tolvaptan doses of 15 mg and higher. In the present trial, in addition to that same tolvaptan dose of 15 mg, a half dose (7.5 mg) and a double dose (30 mg) were also evaluated. No linear dose response to change in bodyweight was observed, while urine volume and fluid intake showed a dose-dependent manner. However, the largest reduction in bodyweight was observed in the 7.5-mg group. Investigation at doses of tolvaptan less than 7.5 mg/day may be required. Various factors can be considered, water restriction was not included as a rule and regulation in this trial. Thirst was observed in a dose-dependent manner, therefore, it may be one of the major factors. Hyponatremia is one of the problems in loop diuretic therapy.

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