Thus, it is not possible to keep increasing the separation between
barriers and superlattices without crossing resonances. For this reason, visualized here with specific examples for electrons and electromagnetic waves, the existence of a generalized Hartman effect is a rather questionable issue. For these examples we perform first principle calculations using the actual transmission coefficient of the system (such as that of double BG in the experiment in [10]) so that we can justify completely that the so-called generalized Hartman effect is erroneous. To study the Hartman effect and to criticize the presumption of a generalized Hartman effect in superlattices, Bragg gratings, and multi-barrier systems, we will use the theory of finite periodic system that allows straightforward calculation of the phase time. For electron tunneling, we shall assume periodic and sectionally constant potentials with cells of length ℓ c =a+b and a barrier of width b and strength V o in the middle. For electromagnetic waves, each cell consisting of dielectrics 1 and 2 will contain a dielectric 2 of length b in the middle. In this case ϵ i , n i , and μ i (with i=1,2) are the corresponding permittivities, learn more refractive indices, and permeabilities; the regions outside the SL are assumed to be air. For Bragg gratings, the refractive indices are periodic.
Methods If we have a Gaussian wave packet (of electrons or electromagnetic waves) through a SL of length n ℓ c −a, the centroid phase time (which is taken here as the tunneling or transmission time) is given by [7, BIBW2992 mouse 17, 18] (2) Here α=α R +i α I is the (1,1) element of the single-cell transfer matrix M; U n (α R ) are the Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind evaluated at α R ; and α n is the (1,1) element of the n-cell transfer matrix M n . This is given by [16] (3) At resonance, where U n−1=U 2n−1=0, we have [16] (4) The expression for the tunneling or transmission time simplifies
as (5) The tunneling time in Equation 2 is exact and general and valid for arbitrary number of cells, barrier width, and barrier separation. Thus, one can check the existence or not of Anacetrapib a (generalized) Hartman effect at will. For concrete examples, we consider superlattices like (GaAs/Al0.3Ga0.7As) n /GaAs, with electron effective mass m A=0.067 m in GaAs layers, m B=0.1 m in Al0.3Ga0.7As layers (m is the bare electron mass) and V o=0.23 eV, and Bragg gratings with periodic refractive index. Results and discussion Electron tunneling If we consider electrons through superlattices with unit cell length ℓ c =a+b, we will have (6) with and . When m A , m B and V o are taken as fixed parameters, we choose a=100 Å and b=30 Å. For a single barrier, n=1, the tunneling time τ 1 plotted in Figure 1 as a function of the reduced barrier width b/λ shows the well-known Hartman effect. The energy E is kept fixed and is the de Broglie wavelength.