Agreement between antibody reactivity against L1L2 pseudoviruses and L1 VLP representing non-vaccine HPV types was weaker with VLP ELISA antibody titers generally an order of magnitude higher than the corresponding pseudovirus neutralizing titers [4] and [26]. To
examine the discrepancy between cross-reactive antibody profiles, both sets of serological data were subjected to hierarchical clustering. Selleck PF01367338 This approach has been used for the evaluation of HIV [27], [28], [29] and [30], foot and mouth disease virus [31] and H5N1 avian Influenza virus [32] antibody specificities, but we believe this is the first time that this approach has been used to examine HPV vaccine antibody specificity. Differences between pseudovirus neutralizing and VLP binding antibody profiles were stark. There are likely several confounding factors that contribute to this outcome including Regorafenib datasheet technical differences between the assays and differences between the range of binding and neutralizing antibody specificities generated. Thus, while L1 VLP binding may be a useful surrogate for type-specific vaccine antibody responses [25] they may not be a similarly useful surrogate for neutralizing antibody reactivity against non-vaccine types. A
number of murine MAbs are capable of binding L1 VLP but lack the ability to neutralize the homologous L1L2 pseudovirus [17], [33], [34] and [35]. For example, MAb H16.J4 cross-reacts
with L1 VLP representing various HPV types by ELISA [17], cross-neutralizes HPV31, HPV33 and HPV58 in an L1-based reporter transduction assay [36], but poorly recognizes its epitope on HPV16 L1L2 pseudoviruses [34] and [35]. Conversely, the neutralizing type-specific MAb H16.V5 appears to recognize its epitope on L1 VLP and L1L2 pseudoviruses to a similar extent [35]. It is reasonable to assume, therefore, that the majority of non-neutralizing antibodies in vaccine sera that recognize VLP representing non-vaccine types, bind nearly to portions of the L1 protein not involved in (pseudo)virus entry or to domains that become altered when L2 is incorporated into the capsid. There was some agreement in the antigenic inter-type ranking of target HPV types. For both L1 VLP and L1L2 pseudovirus antigens, HPV31 was ranked as the nearest relative to HPV16, and both HPV33/HPV58 and HPV35/HPV52 appeared to share some antigenic similarity, at least based upon reactivity of antibodies generated against the archetypal Alpha-9 group type, HPV16. Some of these antigenic similarities could have been predicted from the distance matrix based upon the L1 amino acid sequence (HPV33 and HPV58), while some could not (HPV35 and HPV52). Hierarchical clustering of the pseudovirus neutralization data also suggested that Cervarix® vaccination elicits multiple cross-reactive antibody specificities.