AI-2 has therefore been postulated to be a universal language for interspecies communication. Based on the analysis of luxS mutants, a variety of phenotypes such as motility, cell division, virulence, biofilm formation,
and bioluminescence have been attributed to AI-2 mediated quorum sensing [9, 10]. However, the reaction catalyzed by LuxS is part of the activated methyl cycle, a metabolic pathway for the recycling of the major cellular methyl donor S-adenosylmethionine. As such, AI-2 can also be seen as a merely metabolic side product and the function of AI-2 might differ with the bacterial species under investigation [11]. In this respect it is interesting to note that in some cases, luxS phenotypes cannot be PD0332991 in vivo complemented by addition of exogenous AI-2 [12–16]. The only operon identified to date being directly regulated LDN-193189 in vitro MMP inhibitor by AI-2 in S. Typhimurium, is the lsr operon encoding an ABC-type transporter for the uptake of AI-2 and some enzymes involved in AI-2 catabolism [17]. To date, the purpose of this uptake of AI-2 remains unclear. LuxS has also
been linked to virulence, biofilm formation and flagellar phase variation [12, 13, 18, 19]. For biofilm formation and flagellar phase variation, the phenotype could not be complemented by addition of synthetic DPD and consequently seem independent of AI-2 [12, 13]. In order to get more insight in the role of AI-2 in S. Typhimurium, we performed a two-dimensional difference-in-gel electrophoresis experiment (2D-DIGE) comparing a luxS mutant with wildtype S. Typhimurium at the proteome Vitamin B12 level. Surprisingly, among the differential proteins
identified, two distinct protein spots corresponded to LuxS. This observation was further explored and we show that in S. Typhimurium, LuxS can be posttranslationally modified on a cysteine residue that is crucial for enzymatic activity. Additionally, for the first time, evidence is presented that LuxS contains functional sequence information allowing translocation across the cytoplasmic membrane. Results 2D-DIGE analysis Total protein samples were taken from a wildtype S. Typhimurium strain and a luxS mutant. The mutant proteome was compared to that of the wildtype strain using 2D-DIGE. With this technique, protein samples are labelled prior to separation with up to three different fluorescent Cy dyes, allowing to load three different samples and incorporate an identical internal standard sample on each gel. Including such an internal standard, which is a pool of all experimental samples, minimizes the result variation related to the system, common in 2D-gelelectrophoresis (2DE) [20]. Details of the experimental setup can be found in the Methods section. Statistical analysis revealed 6 spots showing differential expression (p-value < 0.01 and fold increase/decrease > 1.5) between wildtype and the luxS mutant (see Figure 1).