An internal rpoN fragment (bp 298–1011 relative to the translatio

An internal rpoN fragment (bp 298–1011 relative to the translation start site) was amplified using two primers: RpoN298MutPvuI-F (5′-CGAGCGCCGATCGAACGAGCTGCACGGTCGATAC-3′ (with the PvuI site underlined

and the base in boldface for frameshift mutation) and RpoN1011EcoRI-R (5′-TGGTTGCGGAATTCGGTGTTATCGGCGCTGGAGT-3′ (with the EcoRI site underlined). The mutated rpoN fragment was cloned into a PvuI-EcoRI digested pBR322 vector and electroporated into P. alcaligenes strain Ps93. Integrants were selected on 2× TY plates containing tetracycline and checked by Southern analysis. The biotin-PlipA199 probe was amplified using the biotinylated forward primer ForLipA-biotin and the backward primer BackLipA2 (Krzeslak et al., 2008). The DNA fragment of 197-bps, biotin-rpoD, corresponding to the internal part of the rpoD gene from P. aeruginosa PAO1 was used as nonspecific Selleckchem Apitolisib biotinylated DNA selleckchem and was amplified from chromosomal DNA of P. aeruginosa PAO1 (primers ForRpoD-biotin 5′-GGGCGAAGAAGGAAATGGTC-3′ and BackRpoD 5′-CAGGTGGCGTAGGTGGAGAA-3′). The

predicted UAS (35 bp) was constructed together with a mutated version, by hybridizing two complementary synthetic oligonucleotides. For construction of the UAS probe, the oligonucleotide BiotinForUAS (Biotin-5′-GAAACGCTCCTGTTCCCCTCGGTAACATCCCCTAG-3′) was mixed with equal moles of oligonucleotide BackUAS comprising the complementary sequence without biotin tag. The bold nucleotides indicate where a mutation was created in DNA probe UASmut (replacement of TGT by ACA). The mixture was allowed to reach 94 °C and was then cooled slowly to room temperature

using a thermocycler Montelukast Sodium (Gene technologies, G-storm). A megaprimer was constructed using Ps93 chromosomal DNA as template, a forward primer for introducing the desired point mutation, and the reverse primer LipRBamHIBglII-R. The megaprimers were subsequently used in a second PCR round in the presence of the LipREcoRI-F primer (Suporting information, Table S1) to amplify the complete lipR-gene from the Ps93 chromosomal DNA. The obtained fragments were later digested with the EcoRI and BglII restriction enzymes and ligated into the similarly digested pUCP18 vector. The resulting constructs were transformed into the lipR− Ps1100 strain. The upstream lipA gene fragment of 273-bp comprising the UAS, the promoter −12 to −24, and the RBS was amplified from the plasmid pJRDlipAB (Gerritse et al., 1998b) with the LipALacZ-F (5′-GAGCTCGAATTCCCTGGCTGGCAGG-3′) and LipALacZ-R (5′-GGTTTTCTTAAGCTTCATGTTTTGCTCT-3′) primers carrying the EcoRI and HindIII restriction sites (underlined). The EcoRI-HindIII fragment was inserted upstream of the promoterless-lacZ gene in the pTZ110 vector, generating the pTZlipA fusion plasmid. Lipase promoter activity in P. alcaligenes was analyzed according to the previously described method (Weiss et al., 1991). Briefly, overnight cultures of P.

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