In the theory of reinforcement learning, Selleck Autophagy inhibitor the general problem to be solved is to use experience to identify a suitable control policy in an unknown or changing environment (Sutton and Barto, 1998). All motor learning can be conceptualized within this framework; even if there is no explicit reward structure, any task implicitly carries some notion of success or failure that can be encapsulated mathematically through a cost (reward) function. There are two broad categories of solution methods for such a problem. In a model-based
approach, an explicit model of the dynamics of the environment is built from experience, and this is then used to compute the best possible course of action through standard methods of optimal control theory such as dynamic programming. Note that, in general, model-based control can also entail building GW-572016 a model of the reward structure of the task. In the case of motor control, however,
we assume that the reward structure is unambiguous: success is achieved by the cursor reaching the target. In model-free control, by contrast, no such model of the task dynamics is built and instead the value of executing a given action in a given state is learned directly from experience based on subsequent success or failure. While a model-based learning strategy requires significantly less experience to obtain proficient control in an environment and offers greater flexibility (particularly in terms of the ability to generalize knowledge to other
tasks), model-free approaches have the advantage of computational simplicity and are not susceptible to problems associated with learning inaccurate or imprecise models (Daw et al., 2005 and Dayan, 2009). Sitaxentan Therefore, each approach can be advantageous in different circumstances. In sequential discrete decision-making tasks, the brain utilizes both model-based and model-free strategies in parallel (Daw et al., 2005, Daw et al., 2011, Fermin et al., 2010 and Gläscher et al., 2010). Theoretical treatments have argued that competition between these two mechanisms enables the benefits of each to be combined to maximum effect (Daw et al., 2005). Our results suggest that a similar scenario of model-based and model-free learning processes acting in parallel also occurs in the context of motor learning. Adaptation is the model-based component, while model-free components include use-dependent plasticity and operant reinforcement. It is important to note that although the terminology of model-free and model-based learning arises from the theory of reinforcement learning, this does not imply that adaptation is directly sensitive to reward. On the contrary, we believe that adaptation is indifferent to reward outcomes on individual trials, and is purely sensitive to errors in the predicted state of the hand or cursor.