meliloti 2011 grown in batch cultures at pH 61 displayed a signi

meliloti 2011 grown in batch cultures at pH 6.1 displayed a significantly lower death rate during the subsequent acid shock compared with rhizobia that had been cultivated in batch at pH 7.0 (Fig. 1a). In these experiments, cells of S. meliloti 2011 were ZVADFMK grown to mid-exponential phase (OD600 nm=0.2) at pH 7.0 or 6.1 in Evans minimal medium and resuspended in an acid-shock medium (Evans, at pH 4.0; see Materials and methods). Rhizobia that had been precultivated in batch at pH 6.1 improved their decimal reduction time (D10) by a factor of 3.7 compared with rhizobia that had been grown in similar batch cultures under neutral conditions (a D10 of 16.6 h compared

with 4.3 h, respectively). In striking contrast, when parallel studies on survival at pH 4.0 were carried out with rhizobia harvested from the chemostat, no differences were observed between the cells collected at pH 6.1 and at pH 7.0 (Fig. 1b). Both types of rhizobia showed similar D10 values (c. 2.9 h), which Endocrinology antagonist were slightly lower than the D10 of the less-tolerant

rhizobia grown in the batch culture at pH 7.0 (Fig. 1a). We need to emphasize here that the dilution rates had been kept constant during the steady states reached at pH 6.1 and 7.0 in order to avoid changes in acid tolerance that could arise from differences in the duplication time of the rhizobia growing at the two pH. The results, thus, show that the ATR induced when rhizobia grow at low pH in batch culture cannot be triggered by the same acid pH under continuous cultivation, thus indicating that exposure to acidity per se is an insufficient condition for evoking a shift to the transient state of increased acid tolerance. In the previous section, we showed that cells collected from the continuous cultures have a comparable PRKD3 D10 upon subsequent severe acid shock, irrespective of the pH during cultivation. To evaluate how the same rhizobia compared in their symbiotic capabilities, we studied their nodulation kinetics after inoculation onto alfalfa plants growing

in Fåhraeus medium at pH 7.0 or 5.6. Nodulation of rhizobia from the neutral chemostat was better at pH 7.0 than at pH 5.6 (Fig. 2a), in agreement with previous results obtained with cells from batch cultures (Munns, 1970). The results from this experiment also indicated that bacteria grown in the chemostat at pH 6.1 nodulate with comparable kinetics at pH 7.0 and 5.6 (Fig. 2b, black vs. gray curves). That is, rhizobia grown at pH 6.1 did not significantly modify their nodulation kinetics when changing the pH of the plant medium. In addition, bacteria from the chemostat at pH 6.1 did not reach, at neutral pH, the same total number of nodules as the rhizobia grown at pH 7.0 (black curves, Fig. 2b vs. 2a). Overall, the results indicate that while bacteria grown in the chemostat at different pH did not significantly differ in their tolerance to a severe acid shock (Fig. 1b), they behaved differently when inoculated on M. sativa at pH 7.0 (Fig. 2a and b).

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