Overall first abortion incidence rates were calculated according

Overall first abortion incidence rates were calculated according to whether the women were aware of an HIV diagnosis, current age, current calendar year, age at first sexual intercourse (fitted as a binary covariate with a cut-off at 15 years), whether they had had at least one previous pregnancy

and demographics. Poisson regression was used for multivariable analysis to identify the predictors of first induced abortion. In addition, we tested for the presence of an interaction between the awareness of HIV infection and the calendar period, to investigate whether known HIV infection may have a different impact on abortion rate over time. Analysis of the incidence and predictors of first abortion Gamma-secretase inhibitor for the period after HIV diagnosis was also carried PF2341066 out. For this analysis, PYFUs were calculated using as baseline the date of the first HIV-positive test, while data censoring remained the same as above. Incidence rates were calculated according to whether women were diagnosed with HIV during pregnancy and, if they were aware of their HIV infection, whether they were currently on cART (women not taking cART were those who for whatever reason

were off therapy, including those on a treatment interruption), and according to patient-reported fear of vertical transmission or of con-natal malformations, the self-reported negative impact of HIV on motherhood SDHB desire, HIV disclosure, whether they had had at least one previous pregnancy, age at first sexual intercourse, current calendar period and demographics. Poisson regression was used for multivariable analysis. Women with missing date regarding first abortion were excluded from the incidence rate analysis. Five hundred and eighty-five women participated in the study. The median age of the women at the time of completing the questionnaire was 44 years [interquartile

range (IQR) 39–48 years], 70 (11.9%) were migrants, and 111 (18.9%) were infected by IDU. The median time from HIV diagnosis was 13 (IQR 7–19) years, 122 (22.1%) were in CDC stage C, and the median CD4 count nadir was 200 cells/μL (IQR 101–288 cells/μL). The majority (78.8%) were on virologically effective cART, 8.4% were on virologically ineffective cART or on a treatment interruption, and 12.8% were treatment-naïve. At the time of completing the questionnaire, the median CD4 count was 554 cells/μL (IQR 397–727 cells/(L) (Table 1). Overall, 242 (41.4%) women reported at least one abortion. Some of these women reported more than one abortion: two abortions were reported by 72 women, three abortions by 19, and more than three by 30. Table 1 shows sociodemographic, sexual health history and HIV-related variables for women who reported abortion vs. those who did not.

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