Oxidation of DCFH by H2O2 released by D anceps was probably medi

Oxidation of DCFH by H2O2 released by D. anceps was probably mediated by OH· formed through Fenton chemistry catalyzed by trace metals in seawater, since it has been established that H2O2 requires either redox-active metal or heme protein to oxidize DCFH (LeBel et al. 1992, this website Ohashi et al. 2002, Lawrence et al. 2003) and since the addition of EDTA, a metal chelator, abolished the fluorescence signal of DCFH in our H2O2 standard curve (data not shown). Accordingly, any release of H2O2 in seawater will result in concurrent formation of OH·, and this may contribute to the defensive potential of the oxidative burst as OH· is one of the strongest oxidants known (Halliwell and Gutteridge 2007). If

the oxidant release did not consist of H2O2 and H2O2-generated OH·, what other oxidants might be involved? DCFH is 1-2 orders of magnitude more sensitive to oxidation by ONOO− and OH· than it is to oxidation by O2·−, hypochlorite (ClO−), H2O2 in the absence of iron or heme, peroxyl radicals (ROO·), and NO· (Halliwell and Whiteman 2004). We detected no nitrotyrosine residues 30 s after wounding, but ONOO− may be a component of the detected oxidant release given the sensitivity of DCFH. Another possibility is the production of hyophalous acids (HOX; where X is a halogen),

which are produced from H2O2 and halogen ions by haloperoxidases. Macroalgae contain haloperoxidases and can be prolific accumulators of halogens, which are abundant in seawater (Laturnus et al. 1996, Wever and van der Horst 2013). Haloperoxidases have a much higher affinity for H2O2 than does catalase. For example, the Km for H2O2 of a bromoperoxidase from Ascophyllum

Alisertib nodosum is 22 μM at pH 8.0 (Wever 2012), while that of bovine liver catalase is 34 mM at pH 7.0 (Wang et al. 2007). This means that algal haloperoxidases are better scavengers of H2O2 and could outcompete exogenous catalase for H2O2 after wounding. It is possible that the macroalgae wounded in this experiment produced H2O2 that was converted into HOXes before it could be broken down by the MCE exogenous catalase, and that these HOXes oxidized DCFH. The extent to which this occurred is uncertain since DCFH is not known to be an efficient probe for hypochlorous acid and other HOXes (Myhre et al. 2003). Himantothallus grandifolius is the only species studied that released no detectable oxidants within 1 min of wounding. Instead, it released an unknown molecule or combination of natural products that interacted with bovine catalase to oxidize DCFH. This was surprising, since the general function of catalase is to break down H2O2, i.e., eliminate oxidants. However, mammalian catalase has recently been recognized to have oxidase activity under certain conditions and in fact can oxidize several endogenous and exogenous substrates (including indole, β-phenylethylamine, and DCFH) and this reaction may produce superoxide (Vetrano et al. 2005, Kirkman and Gaetani 2007).

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