“SETTING: A DOTS clinic in an academic tertiary referral hospital in South India.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the performance
of two rapid enzyme-linked immunoassays (EIAs) for the detection of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in sputum samples of patients with tuberculosis (TB).
DESIGN: We prospectively recruited 522 consecutive outpatients presenting to the DOTS clinic with confirmed TB of any type to undergo HIV testing using reference serum EIA and index-blinded parallel sputum HIV testing ABT-263 in vivo with two rapid EIAs designed for oral mucosal transudate.
RESULTS: HIV positivity was 14.9% (95%CI 12.1-18.4). Compared to reference serum EIA, the Oraquick (TM) assay was 93.1% sensitive (95%CI 83.8-97.4) and 95.3% specific (95%CI 92.7-96.9), while the Aware
(TM) assay was 92.3% sensitive (95%CI 83.4-96.8) and 96.6% specific (95%CI 94.4-98.0). The positive predictive values were respectively 77.0% and 82.7%. After freezing of sputum, the sensitivity of both assays declined, but the specificity significantly increased. Higher sputum volume reduced the odds of obtaining a true result with both assays.
CONCLUSION: HIV testing of fresh sputum is not sufficiently accurate for Temsirolimus purchase anonymous HIV surveillance among TB patients in a setting of low (<10%) HIV prevalence. Freezing sputum samples and limiting sputum volume for HIV testing may improve assay specificity.”
“Proliferative (cellular) nodules (PN) which mimic malignant melanoma clinically and histologically are described in congenital melanocytic nevi (CMN) and may pose significant diagnostic challenges. We report the case of a 10-day-old male with a giant congenital nevus involving the neck, upper chest, back, and left shoulder containing several nodular lesions, some crusted. Biopsy of a nodule revealed densely packed nevus cells with hyperchromatic round to oval and occasionally irregularly shaped
nuclei. There was no necrosis or pushing border, and the nodule blended with the adjacent nevus; however, the lesion demonstrated a significant number of mitoses (27 per mm(2)) and a 60% labeling index with Ki-67. Further analysis by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with a 4-color probe set targeting 6p25, 6q23, 11q13, and centromere 6 revealed increased chromosomal copy numbers of all 4 probes, which was interpreted as evidence buy Ilomastat of polyploidy. In addition, analysis of DNA copy number changes using a single nucleotide polymorphism microarray (Affymetrix, Santa Clara, CA) showed no chromosomal aberrations. The diagnosis of PN in a giant congenital nevus was eventually rendered. At 13-month follow-up, the nodules showed no evidence of growth. Our case illustrates that PNs in the neonatal period might demonstrate extreme mitotic activity. This feature is worrisome when encountered in melanocytic lesions; however, it should not trigger by itself a diagnosis of melanoma in the absence of other histologic criteria of malignancy.