The authors therefore suggest a role for the IP3R in the transition to a metastatic phenotype. Our finding of increased IP3R expression in H1339 and HCC cells is in agreement with in vivo data obtained from patients Cyclosporin A concentration with resectable NSCLC, where Heighway et al. found amplification of the IP3R gene in the tumor tissue compared to normal tissue [19]. Calreticulin is a 46-kDa chaperone that binds calcium in the lumen of the ER with high capacity [20]. It also participates in the folding of newly synthesized proteins. Recently, a role for calreticulin in immunogenic cell death has been proposed [21]. The authors reported that anthracyclines and γ-irradiation
induced translocation of calreticulin to the plasma membrane thereby stimulating immunogenic cell death. In this context, our finding of reduced calreticulin expression in lung cancer cells could be of particular importance. A decreased [Ca2+]ER is regarded as a pathophysiological
mechanism in heart failure [6]. Istaroxime is a SERCA activator that has been successfully tested in a clinical phase 1–2 trial and found to be well tolerated and to improve cardiac function [22]. selleck screening library As substances altering the intracellular Ca2+-homeostasis become available for clinical use, the altered Ca2+-homeostasis of cancer cells may become a valuable target to improve therapeutic options in lung cancer. Conclusion In our study, we showed that in H1339 and HCC cells the ER Ca2+-content was reduced compared to NHBE cells. The reduced Ca2+-content correlated Resveratrol with a reduced expression of SERCA 2 pumping calcium into the ER, an increased expression of IP3R releasing calcium from the ER, and a reduced expression of calreticulin buffering calcium within the ER. The differences in the
intracellular Ca2+-homeostasis between lung cancer and normal bronchial epithelial cells may lay the basis for new diagnostic or therapeutical approaches. Compound C nmr Acknowledgements Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Grant BE 2356/2-3 and a Deutsche Gesellschaft für Pneumologie und Beatmungsmedizin Grant to A. Bergner. References 1. Alberg AJ, Ford JG, Samet JM: Epidemiology of lung cancer: ACCP evidence-based clinical practice guidelines (2nd edition). Chest 2007, 132: 29S-55S.CrossRefPubMed 2. Berridge MJ, Bootman MD, Roderick HL: Calcium signalling: dynamics, homeostasis and remodelling. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 2003, 4: 517–29.CrossRefPubMed 3. Clapham DE: Calcium signaling. Cell 2007, 131: 1047–58.CrossRefPubMed 4. Bergner A, Kellner J, Silva AK, Gamarra F, Huber RM: Ca2+-signaling in airway smooth muscle cells is altered in T-bet knock-out mice. Respir Res 2006, 7: 33.CrossRefPubMed 5. Wuytack F, Raeymaekers L, Missiaen L: Molecular physiology of the SERCA and SPCA pumps.