The disk that formed the Solar System is called the solar nebula

The disk that formed the Solar System is called the solar nebula. Terrestrial planets form by the slow process of collisions and sticking between increasingly larger dust grains, pebbles, boulders, and mountains of rock and ice termed planetesimals. Km-size planetesimals are large enough to grow by gravitationally deflecting bodies that might otherwise not collide with them, leading to a period of runaway growth to lunar-sized planetary embryos. The final phase of terrestrial planet Trk receptor inhibitor & ALK inhibitor formation involves giant impacts

between the protoplanets and planetary embryos and requires on the order of 100 million years. While there is a general consensus about the formation of terrestrial planets, two very different mechanisms have been proposed for the formation of the gas and ice giant planets. The conventional explanation for the formation of gas giant planets, core accretion, presumes that a gaseous envelope collapses upon a roughly ten Earth-mass, solid core of rock and RG7420 chemical structure ice that was formed by the collisional accumulation of planetary embryos orbiting in the solar nebula. The more radical explanation, disk instability, hypothesizes that the gaseous portion of the nebula underwent a gravitational instability, leading directly to the formation of self-gravitating clumps, within which dust grains coagulated and settled to form cores. Core accretion A-1210477 manufacturer appears to require several million

years or more to form a gas giant planet, implying that only relatively long-lived disks would form gas giants. Disk instability, on the other hand, is so rapid (forming clumps in thousands of years), that gas giants could form in even the shortest-lived disks. Terrestrial

planets seem to be likely to form under either scenario for giant planet formation, though the likelihood does depend strongly on the orbital properties of the giant planets in the system. Core accretion has difficulty in explaining the formation of the ice giant planets, unless two extra protoplanets are formed in the gas giant planet region and thereafter Florfenicol migrate outward. An alternative mechanism for ice giant planet formation has been proposed, based on observations of protoplanetary disks in the Orion nebula cluster and Eta Carina star-forming region: disk instability leading to the formation of four gas giant protoplanets with cores, followed by photoevaporation of the disk and gaseous envelopes of the protoplanets outside about 10 AU by ultraviolet radiation from nearby massive stars, producing ice giants. In this scenario, Jupiter survives unscathed, while Saturn is a transitional planet. The ultraviolet fluxes photoevaporate the outer disk, freezing the orbits of the giant planets, and converting the outer gas giants into ice giants. Because most stars form in regions of high-mass star formation, if this alternative scenario is appropriate for the formation of the Solar System, extrasolar planetary systems similar to our own may then be commonplace.

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