The treatment
session included a 30-second grade III or IV central posterior-anterior nonthrust mobilization applied from T4 to T1 thoracic vertebrae, at C7-T1 cervico-thoracic junction and C1-C2 vertebrae for an overall intervention time of 5 minutes Different TrP techniques, particularly soft tissue stroke, pressure release, or muscle energy were applied to head and neck–shoulder muscles (temporalis, suboccipital, upper trapezius, splenius capitis, semispinalis capitis, sternocleidomastoid) GPCR Compound Library manufacturer to inactivate active muscle TrPs. Participants were classified as having achieved a successful outcome 1 week after the session based on their self-perceived recovery. Potential prognostic variables were entered into a stepwise logistic regression model to determine the most accurate set of variables for prediction of success. Results.— Data for 76 subjects were included in the analysis, of which 36 experienced a successful outcome (48%). Eight prognostic variables were retained in the regression model: mean age <44.5 years,
presence of left sternocleidomastoid TrP, presence of suboccipital TrP, presence of left superior oblique muscle TrP, INCB024360 in vitro cervical rotation to the left > 69°, total tenderness score <20.5, NDI <18.5, referred pain area of right upper trapezius muscle TrP >42.23. Conclusions.— The current clinical prediction rule may allow clinicians to make an a priori identification of women with TTH who are likely to MCE experience short-term self-report improvement with a multimodal session including joint mobilizations and TrP therapies. Future studies are necessary to validate these findings. “
“Arachnoid cysts are commonly encountered when neuroimaging is obtained for headaches. Their clinical relevance is not always immediately clear and they may confound medical management. “
“Headache is the most common symptom of Chiari 1 malformation, a condition characterized
by the herniation of cerebellar tonsils through the foramen magnum. However, the headache pattern of cases with Chiari 1 malformations is not well defined in the literature, especially in children. The aim of this retrospective chart review was to evaluate the frequency and the characteristics of headache in children with Chiari 1 malformation at initial evaluation and during follow up. Forty-five cases with tonsillar ectopia were selected among 9947 cases under 18 years of age who underwent neuroimaging between 2002 and 2010. A semistructured clinical interview (mean follow-up: 5.2 years) was conducted. Headache was classified according to the second edition of the International Classification of Headache Disorders.