These findings suggest that supplementation with these polyphenolic-rich fruit may help reduce secondary damage and therefore minimize EIMD related changes in muscle performance and soreness. The aim of this study therefore was to investigate the effect of blueberry consumption on markers of EIMD and inflammation after strenuous eccentric exercise. Methods Subjects Ten healthy females (22 ± 1 years; 62 ± 8 kg; 167 ± 5 cm) were recruited via word-of-mouth to participate in this study. All subjects were physically active and participated in recreational level resistance and aerobic based exercise at least twice per week. All subjects had at least one years’ experience in training in
this manner. Subjects filled out a Health Screening 3-Methyladenine supplier Questionnaire to exclude those who were at risk physically, culturally, or religiously in following SB-715992 the protocol. Those who passed the questionnaire were asked to give written consent. Approval for this study was granted by the local Human Ethics Committee (09/73). Study design This was a balanced, randomized crossover design where the response to the
treatment trial (blueberry condition) was measured as the performance of one leg and, on another occasion, the response to the control condition was measured as the performance of the contralateral leg. The two experimental trials were separated by at least a month, dependent on the individual’s menstrual cycle. Experimental protocol Familiarization session. During the week preceding the first trial, subjects attended a familiarization session in which they carried out the required movements that were to be used for performance testing on a Biodex isokinetic dynamometer (Biodex Medical Systems Inc., NY). Appropriate
seat positions were determined using recommendations made by the manufacturer (Biodex Medical Systems Inc., 2004) and were recorded for subsequent use throughout the study. Menstrual cycle was also recorded in order to test the subjects during the luteal phase (day 14 until day 1 of next period) of each trial. This was done so that hormone levels and body temperature were similar in both trials. Subjects were asked to abstain from any form of exercise apart from necessary walking 48 hours click here prior to and until 60 hours post trial. Day of trial. On the day of the trial, subjects were required to attend the laboratory in the morning where blood was withdrawn by venipuncture into appropriate tubes for plasma and serum check details separation, which was then frozen (−20°C) in aliquots for biochemical analysis. They were then asked to complete a 5 minute warm up on a Monark cycle ergometer before pre-damage performance testing was carried out. This involved five maximal efforts each of isometric, concentric and eccentric contractions of the quadriceps muscle while seated on an isokinetic dynamometer.