We also performed structural analysis by MALDI-TOF-MS Whole lipi

We also performed structural analysis by MALDI-TOF-MS. Whole lipids were extracted from both types of cell with organic solvent systems (15). Lipids from AP-61 (1.1 × 1010) and LLC-MK2 (5.7 × 109) cells yielded 230 and 360 mg, respectively. Lipid components in AP-61 cells were further separated by latrobeads (Latron Laboratory, Tokyo, Japan) column chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography equipped with silica gel column. Once separation was complete, the lipid samples were subjected to TLC analysis using plastic TLC plates

(Polygram Sil G, Nagel, Germany). The plates were developed with a mixture of isopropanol/H2O/25% ammonium (75:25:5, v/v/v), and treated with orcinol reagent for detection of GSLs. Nine neutral GSL fractions, AP1 to AP9, were prepared from AP-61. TLC/virus-binding assay was carried out as described previously (15, 16). AZD0530 in vitro Briefly, the GSLs selleck compound that had been resolved on TLC plates were incubated overnight at 4°C with DENV (3.8 × 107 FFU) diluted

in PBS containing 1% ovalbumin and 1% polyvinylpyrrolidone. After washing three times, the plates were incubated at room temperature for 1 hr with human anti-dengue antiserum from patients with dengue hemorrhagic fever. This was followed by incubation with HRP-conjugated goat anti-human immunoglobulin as the secondary antibody. After washing three times, the plates were visualized with a Konica immunostaining HRP-1000 kit (Konica, Tokyo, Japan). Under our experimental conditions for the TLC/virus-binding assay other envelope viruses, such as influenza virus, do not bind to neutral GSLs, including nLc4Cer (16). Figure

1 shows the TLC profiles of the whole neutral GSLs and the neutral GSL fraction AP2 from AP-61 cells with orcinol reagent staining Clomifene (Fig. 1a and c). In the neutral GSLs of AP-61 and C6/36, one prominent signal was detected with the same mobility with authentic L-3. TLC-immunostaining assay with anti-L-3 antibody clearly demonstrated that the prominent GSL from AP-61 was authentic L-3 (Fig. 1d). TLC/virus-binding assay showed that one neutral GSL from the AP-61 cells with the same mobility as authentic L-3 reacted strongly with DENV-2 (Fig. 1b). To further characterize L-3 from AP-61 cells, fraction AP2 was treated for 24 hr at 37°C with β-N-Acetyl-D-hexosaminidase, and subjected to chemical and immunochemical detection with anti-L-3 antibody (data not shown). TLC analysis demonstrated that the major GSL in AP2 was converted to authentic L-2 by the enzyme treatment. These findings indicate that AP-61 cells contain the L-3 molecule. Finally, we confirmed the carbohydrate structure of the major GSL in AP2 as L-3 by MALDI-TOF-MS (data not shown). Molecule ion ([M-Na]+) was observed at 1114.

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