We next sought to determine both the functional form of the synap

We next sought to determine both the functional form of the synaptic interactions click here between integrator neurons and the patterns of connections throughout the integrator memory network. The primary challenge in constructing recurrent network models of graded persistent activity is to tune the synaptic inputs so that the circuit can maintain persistent firing across a continuous range of firing rates. If the net synaptic current provided to a neuron is too weak, neuronal firing during memory periods will drift downward due to the intrinsic

leakiness of the neuronal membrane. If the net input current is too strong, neuronal firing will drift upward. In the context of the oculomotor integrator, this tuning requirement

implies that, at each stably maintained eye position, there is a precise level of current required to sustain each neuron’s firing rate at its experimentally observed value. We check details therefore asked what possible sets of connection strengths and synaptic nonlinearities could enable the circuit to simultaneously reproduce all of the experiments illustrated in Figure 2. The details of the model-fitting procedure are given in the Experimental Procedures and Supplemental Experimental Procedures. In brief, the model contained a total of 100 neurons, the estimated number in the goldfish integrator circuit, divided into excitatory and inhibitory populations on each side of the midline as suggested by experiment (Figures 2A and 2B). Synaptic inputs were modeled as a sum of recurrent excitatory,

recurrent inhibitory, and tonic background currents (Figure 3F). Each recurrent synaptic input was modeled as the product of a “synaptic strength” parameter W  ij, representing the maximal possible somatic current provided from neuron j   to neuron i  , and a “synaptic” (and/or dendritic) activation s(rj)s(rj), representing the fraction of this maximal current provided when presynaptic neuron j fires at rate rj ( Figures 3E and 3F). The best-fit connection strengths onto any given neuron were found by minimizing a cost function (Experimental Procedures, Equation 4) whose individual terms enforced that each neuron maintain persistent firing at its experimentally observed firing rate r(E) for every stable eye position ( Figure 3D). This was done by from penalizing, for each neuron, any differences between the current required to generate the experimentally observed firing rate at each eye position ( Figures 3F and S1F, dashed black line, obtained from combining the single-neuron response curve, Figure 3C, with the neuron’s tuning curve, Figure 3D) and the summed excitatory (red), inhibitory (blue), and tonic background current (orange) for a given set of synaptic weights Wij and synaptic nonlinearities s(rj). For control animals, the circuit was required to maintain persistent activity at all eye positions ( Figure 3F).

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