We verified this DNA-based typing approach, which based on detecting Leptospira O-antigen-encoding genes, as a credible and convenient method for epidemiological research. To our knowledge, this work is the first to discriminate see more serogroups of leptospira based on the presence or absence of a PCR product. Methods Bacterial strains and culture conditions The reference strains and clinical strains are listed in additional file 1 Table S1 and additional file 2 Table S2, respectively.
HKI-272 nmr All strains were grown in Ellinghausen McCullough Johnson Harris (EMJH) liquid medium at 28°C [35]. The cells were harvested at mid-log-phase by centrifugation at 12,000 × g for 15 min at 4°C. MAT The selleck products MAT was performed according to the standard procedure [36] with minor modifications [37]. Live Leptospira cell suspensions (representing 18 serogroups) were added to serially diluted standard hyperimmune rabbit serum (from National Institute for the Control of Pharmaceutical and Biological Products) in 6-well flat-bottom microtiter plates and incubated at 37°C for 1 h. Agglutination was examined by dark-field microscopy at 100× magnification. The reported titer was calculated as the reciprocal
of the highest dilution of serum that agglutinated at least 50% of the cells for each serovar used. Serogroups (serovars in parentheses) included in the antigen panel were as follows: Australis (Australis), Autumnalis (Autumnalis), Ballum (Ballum), Bataviae (Bataviae), Canicola (Canicola), Celledoni (Anhoa), Grippotyphosa (Grippotyphosa), Hebdomadis (Hebdomadis), Icterohaemorrhagiae (Lai), Javanica (Javanica), Manhao (Qingshui), Mini (Mini), Pomona (Pomona), Pyrogenes (Pyrogenes), Sejroe (Wolffi), and Tarassovi (Tarassovi). DNA manipulations and bioinformatic analysis Genomic DNA was prepared with a bacterial DNA minikit (Watsonbiot, China) as previously C59 price described
[38]. The genomic draft sequences of four strains (Gui44, Lin4, Lin6 and C401) were sequenced by 454 sequencing and the protocol was followed by Margulies’s paper [39]. All related contigs found with a BLASTX alignment to known O-antigen genes were ordered and oriented into scaffolds with the reference strains’ genomes, Lai [33], JB197, L550 [40] and Fiocruz L1-130 [41]. Sanger sequencing was performed for PCR amplicons that filled the gaps between neighboring contigs. The prediction of putative coding sequences (CDSs) and gene annotation were done by GLIMMER 3 [42] and Genemark http://opal.biology.gatech.edu/GeneMark/.