22,23,24,25 Length of time in SSTs varies, from as few as 4 weeks to several years.25 Although qualitative and quantitative reviews on the efficacy
of SST programs for young people with ASD have not consistently yielded favorable results26 more recent published reviews suggest that SSTs may broadly be considered to be empirically supported for ASD populations,27,28 though the ages and developmental levels for which this is the case are limited. Although such group-based programs have dominated this literature, in practice these interventions include a broad array of selleck kinase inhibitor approaches such as Social Stories,29 peer-mediated training Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and intervention,30 video modeling of appropriate skills,29 and Pivotal Response Training.31 Others Several other psychosocial intervention Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical approaches are also being explored to address social-communication deficits in ASD. For instance, there exist programs to teach emotion regulation strategies32,33 through experiential and cognitive means. These approaches are based on models that implicate poor executive functioning or emotion regulation in the complex social deficits of ASD.34,35 Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical A related approach uses mindfulness-based interventions to help youth with ASD experience greater awareness of themselves and their behaviors during difficult interactions.36
Such an approach suggests that individuals with ASD may suffer from a lack of awareness of their own behavior and internal states during social interactions, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and so may benefit from increased attention to their subjective experience. A small subset of interventions has used a simple support group model for youth with ASD.37 Such interventions suggest that simply discussing shared experiences while seeing that they are not alone may be a useful way for youth with ASD to manage their social challenges. While these approaches are not well-represented in Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical the literature, a recent review suggests that they may represent a common theme among efficacious interventions for youth with ASD.25 Finally, some approaches employ parent training
to either augment or supplant direct social-communicative interventions with youth.38,39,40 These interventions suggest that parents are often the main drivers of peer relationships with children,41,42 especially among those with developmental disorders.40,43 While a full exploration of these promising approaches is beyond the scope of Idoxuridine the current review, we note that many of the treatment mechanisms mentioned below cut across the specific treatment modalities, and we highlight such applications below. Potential mechanisms Based on available research, we delineate several potential mechanisms by which psychosocial interventions for ASD may produce change in social-communicative functioning. Before we do so, however, it is important to distinguish several key terms as they pertain to psychotherapy research.