For these studies, the
coxsackievirus B4-E2 strain (CVB4-E2), a diabetogenic strain was used. The strain was obtained with permission from J.W. Yoon (University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada). The virus was propagated in green monkey kidney cells. For the experiments, CD1 outbred male and female mice, aged 3–4 weeks, 15–17 g (Harlan Laboratories, Italy) were used. For planned gestation, three females per male mouse were caged with sterile bedding, water, and mouse chow from Topdovo, Trnava, Slovak Republic. Successful fertilization was checked with vaginal swabs, to estimate the exact duration of gestation. Mice were infected at three different time points: days 4, 10, and 17 in the first, second, and third week of gestation, respectively.
Fulvestrant Two mice were infected per time point. For comparison, two mice per time point were mock-infected with PBS. Mice were infected with CVB4-E2 at a dose of 2 × 106 TCID50 by the oral route as described before (Bopegamage et al., 2005). Because Selleckchem FK506 of adverse outcome, infection at day 10 was repeated. Mice were weighed every day and observed for any signs of sickness. Loss in weight indicated severe fetal growth retardation, fetal death, and/or abortion. One dam, infected at day 10, became too sick to deliver and was euthanized near term. Pups were separated from their mothers 3 weeks after birth (natural time for weaning) and put into separate cages, 3 per cage. To reduce effects of gender difference, only male pups were used. The pups were challenged orally 4 days after weaning (25 days after birth). The total number of pups per group was 6 : 3 infected pups and three controls. All pups (infected and mock-infected) were sacrificed
and dissected Methamphetamine at day 5 postinfection (p.i). Day 5 was chosen because preliminary experiments showed that at this time point the pancreas was affected and the glucose metabolism disturbed. Mice were sacrificed after overnight fasting, and blood was drawn by cardiac puncture, performed by the direct visualization method (Hayward et al., 2007). Brain, heart, and pancreas were subsequently collected, partly snap-frozen at −80 °C, and partly fixed in 4% formalin for histopathological analysis. Blood glucose levels were measured by means of a commercial system (Accu-Chek, Roche). The histological techniques and scoring of the grade (1–4) of infiltration and necrosis were performed as described before (Bopegamage et al., 2005). Total RNA from the organs was extracted with PureLink RNA Mini kit (Invitrogen) according to the supplier’s manual for purifying total RNA from animal tissue. The details of the reverse transcription-PCR followed by nested PCR have been described previously (Bopegamage et al., 2005; de Leeuw 1994). For cDNA synthesis and amplification in a single tube, the SuperScript III One-Step RT-PCR System with Platinum Taq High Fidelity (Invitrogen) was used. In all controls (−), gestation was uneventful with a normal gain in weight (Fig.