89 1.48 Francci3_4474 pyruvate flavodoxin/ferredoxin oxidoreductase-like 1.60 1.93 1.20 Francci3_4475 aminotransferase, class V 2.90 1.52 0.90 Francci3_4476 UBA/THIF-type NAD/FAD binding fold 1.20* 2.08 1.73 Francci3_4477 HesB/YadR/YfhF 2.09 2.00 0.04 Francci3_4478 nitrogenase cofactor
biosynthesis protein NifB 1.35 2.17 1.61 Francci3_4479 NifZ 0.54 1.45 2.23 Francci3_4480 nitrogen fixation protein NifW 2.49 2.14 0.16* Francci3_4481 protein of unknown function DUF683 2.81 1.75 0.61 Francci3_4482 protein of unknown function DUF269 0.23* 1.44 1.77 Francci3_4483 Dinitrogenase iron-molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis 1.82 2.03 1.12* Francci3_4484 nitrogenase molybdenum-iron cofactor biosynthesis protein NifN 2.55 1.78 0.43 Francci3_4485 nitrogenase MoFe cofactor biosynthesis protein NifE 1.47 1.92 1.31 Francci3_4486 nitrogenase molybdenum-iron protein check details beta chain 1.16* 2.40 2.08 Francci3_4487 nitrogenase molybdenum-iron protein alpha chain 1.62 2.94 1.82 Francci3_4488 nitrogenase iron protein 1.34 3.71 2.77 1Fold changes calculated as quotients of RPKM values * Insignificant p value as determined by Kal’s ztest. Insertion Sequences Recent studies on Frankia proteomes have indicated the presence of several transposases in CcI3 grown in culture and in symbiosis [28], raising the question of how IS elements behave in cultured CcI3 cells. Given the number
of transposase ORFs in the CcI3 genome (148 complete plus 53 fragments identified by PSI-BLAST analysis [2]), mRNA deep sequencing provides an efficient WZB117 ic50 method of quantifying their click here behavior in cultures grown under different conditions. RPKM values for the transposase ORFs were plotted against the locations of IS elements in strain CcI3 (Figure 2; [3]). Additional files 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 list the calculated expression data for the transposase ORFs. Transposase transcripts were generally many more abundant than the transcriptome’s median RPKM value (dashed line; values respective of sample) throughout the genome. The visual representation of transcript abundance in Figure 2 indicates that transposase
ORFs were overall more highly expressed in older cultures and, to a lesser extent, in N2 fixing cells than in younger, nutrient sufficient cultures. Seventy-three transposase ORFs in the 5dNH4 sample were more highly expressed with respect to the 3dNH4 sample (Figure 2; Additional file 8: SNP_call_list.xls). Only 29 transposase ORFs were shown statistically to have higher expression in 3dNH4 than in 5dNH4. A similar trend was noticed in the 3dN2 vs 3dNH4 sample, with 91 transposase ORFs having statistically significant higher expression values in the 3dN2 sample. Many transposase ORFs had similar expression in the 3dN2 vs 3dNH4 and the 5dNH4 vs 3dNH4 comparisons. This is reflected in the ztest p values, as the 3dN2 vs 3dNH4 comparison had 50 changes with p values greater than 0.05 and the 5dNH4 versus 3dNH4 comparison had 48 changes with p values greater than 0.05.